Books for EFA Morocco
/By Carmen Marques
CellMark Papier
EFA serves rural Moroccan girls, providing a boarding homes where the girls live and study.
Being involved in PaperSeed actions using our professional network has naturally led us to collect books for EFA. It should nevertheless be noted that some implemented policies oblige publishers or libraries to destroy books instead of donating or even selling them for a symbolic euro.
But, because nothing can stop CellMark in action, with the valuable cooperation of Sappi, producer of coated wood-free paper, we distributed dictionaries, encyclopedia, workbooks, books to EFA/Marocco via our IT provider, Netshare, who has generously financed the cost of the transportation.
In the meantime, based on the picture, each participant was asked to find out the total weight of the package sent. And of course, the winner was our account manager, Elodie.
At the end of the day, it was a very positive experience. First, we hoped it could help EFA and secondly, it let us engage our partners in a different way to develop a greater awareness of CellMark’s values, all of this in a warm and fun atmosphere.